- Kurdish
- 40th Day
- Etymology of Kurdish پرسیار Pirsyar Question
- Etymolgy of some Kurdish Animal Names
- Death of Love
- گیانی دلدار - ئاو و ئاگر
- Sulky Boys in Old Rwandiz
- The Origin of Kurdish Mamosta مامۆستا Teacher
- A Head of Time
- Swallow په ره سلێرکه
- Children from Old Rwandiz
- A Kurdish Narrative Love Song with a Refrain
- Women Breasts Seen Metaphorically in Kurdish Songs
- The Origin of the Kurdish دز Thief
- تۆی خاتون زین من کاکه مه
- Titles
- ئازادی کوردستان
- بیری شه و Nocturnal Thoughts
- Lamentation of a Kurdish Yezidi Mother
- Mother´s Okras بامیه ی دایکم
- The Rawanduz-Kurdish Dimunitive کچکۆکه ی رواندز
- Ali Bag from Rwandiz
- The Kurdish Eybrow برۆی کوردی
- Death Flower شلێرێ مه گری
- تاکوو ئێستا دل سووتاوم
- Women´s Names from Old Rwandiz ژنانی رواندزی که ون
- Old Rwandiz Talk
- مریم خانی رواندزی
- مامۆستا عبدوالله ئه فه ندی رواندزی
- مریم خان - ئادیلۆکێ
- زمانی دایک
- Memories from Rwandiz
- The Etymology of Kurdish bryn سه ر چاوه ی برین
- Kurdish barzبه رز high / tall
- Nazanin
- The Wounded Heart
- The Origin of the Kurdish Color (blue شین)
- A Kurdish Love Song
- Even language is not fair to women
- It is a question of identity
- The Iranian (Kurdish) Linguistic Formula of Life
- The Etymology of the Kurdish (chesht چیشت) Food
- Children Games from Rwandiz
- من کوردم کوردم کوردم
- The Kurdish Linguistic Tragedy 2
- The Kurdish Linguistic Tragedy 1
- Tell Lies -درو بکه ن
- The Kurdish Curse (gor ba gor گور به گور)
- The Concept of the Kurdish Mother دایه
- The Etymology of Kurdish نیشتمان Homeland
- Children’s Typical Insults
- Rwandiz as Narrated
- The Etymology of the Kurdish (Mirishk / Merishk مریشک ) Hen
- The Romance of Kura Kachar کوره که چه ر
- The Origin of the Kurdish Afrat ئافره ت Woman
- The Kurds, a Nation of Shepherds
- Hawler or Arbil
- Homage to Ali Mardan
- Supaas / Spaas سوپاس سپاس
- Kurdish Women from a Linguistic perspective II
- Kurdish Women from a Linguistic Perspective