Was he a dump foundling? No one thought he would survive when he got typhoid at the age of three but a woman who passed his bedside: "Wait and see what will become of him", she said. He is destined to acquire multiple identities which will fluctuate from Kurdish (childhood) to Arabic (youth) to British (education) to German (adulthood) to French (philosophy) to Italian (life style) to Indian (Music). His first name is Persian. Jamshid was a legendary Persian King. Persepolis or Takht-e Jamshid was the ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire during the Achaemenid dynasty. He is the second of six brothers and the only one who was to leave (See: Creative Writing, English Literary Texts, Dedications, Miriam's Dream).
A life of continuous anxiety and unrest has set in: First from Rawanduz to Rumaitha to Diwaniya to Baghdad (Iraq). B.A. degree in English language and literature in Baghdad from the college of education. He never even dreamt of settling in Germany. English is his passion and French his choice but his life took a German turn: From Baghdad to Bonn to Bremen in chronlogical and alphabetical order.
Academic degrees obtained in Bonn, Germany are: an M.A. degree in English language and literature, a PhD degree (Magna cum Lauda) in General Linguistics and the "Industriekaufmann" certified by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK Essen, Germany). He feels most comfortable with freelance work and adult education with different institutions in Germany most prominently: The university in Bonn till 1995, the university in Bremen for more than 12 years now. He started work with the universty in Oldenbug in October 2009.
I am Jamshid, the son of Miriam Xan
من جمشیدم - کوری مریم خان
من جمشیدم کوری مریم خان
رواندزیم به هوشوو دلوو گیان
کوردم کوردم هه ر گیز کوردم
بو نازنین هه ر ئه مردم
له گه ر ده گه ردا بم شارنه وه
یان له خه ره ندا گورم که نه وه