Death Flower
I was walking in a park full of different kinds of flowers one early morning in summer. There was nobody around. Suddenly and out of the blue I caught the sight of a young lady not older than 25. She looked sad and absorbed. Then I saw her go to a plant which had only one big red flower. She kept looking at it for a long time and then all of a sudden started singing the following lines:
Prithee, stop crying Flower
To the grave we go together
The grave is narrow and thin
Full of snakes and vermin
It’s raining, it’s raining
And the rain wind is cold
If they come inquiring
Say we both lost our hold
When she stopped singing she was all tears. I didn’t want to intrude on her grief and thoughts but my curiosity left me no peace. When she left I went to have a look. I must say I am not good at identifying flowers but I think it was a kind of gladiolus which was covered with dew.
Bremen, 22 August 2007