Mother: You Did Well

Mother, you passed away quietly on the morning of the 22 of January 2011 before anybody was even fully awake. Mother, you died on Saturday because you knew none of your sons would have to take leave, so you took leave quietly. Mother, as usual, I was the only one not present because I was destined to be absent. Mother, Last time you called my name was five days before. You just said Son, I don’t feel well. Yes, Mother I know you didn’t feel well but believe me you did well.

Mother, I don’t understand how they arranged your marriage at the age of 16 and how you could give birth to your first son at 17 and give birth to me, your second son, at 19. I know life is short but you rushed to turn your two elder sons into younger brothers and came of age only after mothering three.

Mother, you are the mother of six sons now but why did you say you loved me most? You knew well I would be lost long before I left. Mother, it was not a dream. It was an apprehension which tormented you and finally came true. Yes, I was the only one not present before but I want to be at least the only one present after. Yes Mother, on the eve of your farewell I went to bed to take leave. I was lifted high over mountains and valleys and woke up much lighter.

Mother, please forgive me for what I have done. How can the sun rise again without you?

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim Bremen, 23 January 2011