German Presidents´ Popular Passions

The office of the German presidents is symbolic that’s why there is more room for pursuing free time interests and other passions. Still, German presidents left their mark more than German chancellors as you can find out here. From the list below you can see that only two presidents were members of the SPD (Social Democratic Party) and two of FDP (Free Democratic Party). The rest were all members of CDU (Christian Democratic Party). This is Fair Play.

Theodor Heuss 13 September 1949 - 12 September 1959 FDP

The Airbus “Sieger”: winner of all German presidents He was an ardent opposer to re-armament of Germany in 1955, but had no power to stop it. His ironic speech at the swearing in of the first new soldiers: "Nun siegt mal schön!" ("well, now go and win happily!"), is well remembered.

Heinrich Lübke 13 September 1959 - 30 June 1969 (resigned) CDU

Lübke was a (natural) public speaker and was frequently subject to ridicule. According to the most famous anecdote, in 1962 he addressed a crowd in Liberia: "Meine Damen und Herren, Lieber Neger : Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Negroes..."

Gustav Heinemann 1 July 1969 - 30 June 1974 SPD

He claimed to be the citizen president instead of the president of citizens which goes with “Meine Frau ist mein Hobby”: my wife is my hobby often said by German husbands to demonstrate their love to their wives. When Heinemann was asked whether he loved the German state, he answered that he didn't love the state, he loved his wife.

Walter Scheel 1 July 1974 - 30 June 1979 FDP

He was a gourmet and loved shrimp cocktails more than his much more charismatic wife Mildred and his office. He spent most of his time eating delicatessen instead of working.

Karl Cartens1 July 1979 - 30 June 1984 CDU

He was nicknamed “Wandervogel” literally hiking bird. He spent most of his time taking long walks with other people. He walked more than he worked.

Richard von Weizsäcker 1July 1984 - 30 June 1994 CDU
Advocate of tolerance and social responsibility. During his office wolf and lamb lived peacefully side by side. That’s why the wolf died of hunger.

Roman Herzog 1 July 1994 - 30 June 1999 CDU
Although Germany went through reunification it was still fast asleep when Mr Herzog took office. The presiden of Ruck: rocked Germany awake with his trembling voice and famous saying: “Durch Deutschland muß ein Ruck gehen”: Germany must be rocked awake.

Johannes Rau 1July 1999 - 30 June 2004 SPD
The social democrat but practicing Christian without any higher school education didn’t believe it when was elected president. His personal motto was: (I hold because I am held). That’s why he used to slick out his tongue at people.

Horst Köhler 1 July 2004 31 May 2010 (resigned) CDU
The smart and ever laughing but “Glupschaugig” goggle-eyed president with his “alleliebste Ehefrau”: Eva” most beloved wife Eva and daughter, who lost her eyesight as a teenager. He resigned on 31 May 2010 because his tender heart couldn’t bear criticism in relation to Afghanistan military deployments. He goggle eyes changed to crying in public.

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
Bremen - Germany
28 August 2010