Sham Life
It's all about appearance and reality but most of them lead a sham life. The alleged satisfaction is nothing but a beautiful light. It is more illusion than reality. Nothing but an illusion, a merely make-believe, It is fake, all show, no substance. It is all feigned. I have been living a sham life too. No, wait a minute, there are different lives: The first, the second or a double life. My life is a mixture of all of these.

Does appearance count more than reality? Is the image everything? No, appearances can be deceptive. Still all of them try to keep up appearances. Appearance and apparel are important. That’s why I shave, buy clothes, go on a diet...... I feel proud when people envy me in whatever I have achieved. No, It is rather my personal defeat. Everything around me tells a different story about me. Am I too meticulous to a fault? Since I am fanatic about perfection I should have it as imperfect as possible. True, I deserve it. So let me go on deceiving myself and leading a pseudo-life. But Life is tokenistic anyway, I mean it is a token gesture made in pretence.

Yet, we all put our pants on one leg at a time and we are all down to earth. Nobody is special. What looks attractive from a distance can be disappointing when close. I only need to be reminded on a daily basis. But how do I know: What is fake and what's real? What’s original and what’s a copy of the copy?

Bremen, 6 October 2007

Sure the economy stinks but fraud is everywhere. If you don't discover it today you will discover it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow: "I just felt ill when I realized my life was a sham", she said.